Let’s meet in the middle and take powerful action for your health!
How much of your day do you spend going back and forth between the extremes of hating your body or giving into sugar cravings?
Are you wasting your day obsessing about your body and food and not getting anywhere with your health and life goals?
Are you desperate to help your teen suffering from a negative body image, but you have no idea what to say or where to get the help you need without worrying about causing an eating disorder?
"The transformation about how she feels about herself has been no less than a miracle. Thank you thank you thank you!"
- Mom of teen who was stuck in perfectionism and now uses self-love superpower to create healthy habits

I'm Dr. Karla Lester, pediatrician, certified life and weight coach, board-certified obesity medicine doctor and Mom and I know exactly what’s going on and how to help you.
Through my research and working with hundreds of teens over the last two decades, I’ve created an approach that works
Parents understand
- Your teen isn’t broken.
- Your teen’s body doesn’t need fixing or solving.
- You need to stay in your lane and out of diet culture.
Teens, to get what you want
- Let go of body judging and food shaming.
- Say I aM mE to fully love and accept yourself now.
- Create health habits one step at a time.
Your Next Best Step

30 Minute 1:1 ZERO Stigma Coaching Consult
- Parent and/or Teen
- Let's talk about what's going on.
- What's the biggest problem?
- What's your why?
- What's in your way of getting what you want?
- What's your next best step?
- Fee: $95
Work with Dr. Karla 1:1
Coaching Packages for Teens and Parents
4 45-Minute coaching sessions using zoom
Access to Dr. Karla between coaching sessions as needed
Resource Guides
Fee: $500
★ 5 steps to say I aM mE
(Be Body Positive in a Body Negative World)
★ Obesity is Hormonal not Simply Caloric
(Let’s think differently about it)
★ Dr. Karla 10 steps to self-trust eating
(Heal your relationship with food and become an intuitive eater)
★ CoachU
(Powerful life coaching tools to get you unstuck and on the way to achieve your goals)
★ Cut the Cringe Parent coaching
(Deconstruct Toxic 80’s Diet Culture and Have Healthy Conversations with your teen)
Ready to Connect to the Community? Try Group Coaching
"Health Yourself"
12 Week reverse your insulin Resistance Challenge!
Health Yourself is my 12 week Program and Ebook to Help Teens, Parents, and all my TikTok followers create healthy habits and get all the tools to Reach Their Healthy Weight Set Point!
The ebook doubles as an instruction guide with daily and weekly challenges and a journal to keep notes about goals, progress, feelings, personal successes, and more.

Here are the weekly challenges to look forward to in the “Health Yourself” ebook:
Week 1:
Visualizing Your Future Self
Week 2:
Self-Acceptance and Your Relationship with Food
Week 3:
Buffering - Identifying and Changing Behaviors
Week 4:
Physical Activity and the FITTE Challenge
Week 5:
Mood Ring - Checking in On Ourselves Emotionally
Week 6:
Slaying Your Goals/Overcoming Obstacles
Week 7:
Busting the Calories Myth and Improving Metabolic Health
Week 8:
Thoughts Create Feelings & Feelings Create Action
Week 9:
Essential Nutrition - Macros Our Bodies Need to Function
Week 10:
Love Yourself - 5 Steps to Self-Acceptance
Week 11:
Stress Less, Sleep More
Week 12:
Relationships and Boundaries
Enrollment is OPEN!
Got questions? Email me: [email protected]